June, July, August and September 2011)

In JUNE we were proud to be the guests of honor at the great Ilu.station Festival in BARCELONA.
Paul also designed the logo and the promotional poster of the festival.
We had a great time there! everyone was incredibly nice, specially the Ilu.station team that made us feel like the Lady Gagas of illustration, including interviews on national television!

In AUGUST we travelled to Antwerp to participate at Art Trek 8, an illustrative art group show curated by lovely Epha Meron who also curated in SEPTEMBER the show "BEYOND the EMPTY" a Group Show at the Gallery Needles Ånd Pens in San Francisco where we showed some of our last prints.

Thanks to our Treasure Fleet friends our books were available at many summer festivals such at the Oslo comics expo in MAY, the Mainzer minipresse and the Munich comic festival in JUNE and the Helsinki comics festival and the Small press explorer in Hamburg in SEPTEMBER.